

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. The most common type of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.


Anyone can develop glaucoma. Some people listed below are at higher risk than others:

  • African Americans over age 40
  • Everyone over age 60
  • People with a family history of glaucoma

A comprehensive dilated eye exam can reveal more risk factors, such as high eye pressure, thinness of the cornea, and abnormal optic nerve anatomy. In some people with certain combinations of these high-risk factors, medicines in the form of eyedrops reduce the risk of developing glaucoma by about half.

Glaucoma Symptoms

At first, open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms. It causes no pain, and vision remains normal. Glaucoma can develop in one or both eyes.

Without treatment, people with glaucoma will slowly lose their peripheral (side) vision. As glaucoma remains untreated, people may miss objects to the side and out of the corner of their eye. They seem to be looking through a tunnel. Over time, straight-ahead (central) vision may decrease until no vision remains.

Glaucoma Treatment

There are many treatment options available for glaucoma: various eye drops, laser procedures, and surgery are available. Our physicians are comfortable with many treatment options and can help you decide the best course of action for your situation.